Membership Information


Membership Category Annual Subscription Playing Rights
Seven (7) Day Membership $2565 Seven (7) Days a Week
Six (6) Day Membership $2332 Six (6) Days a Week
Five (5) Day Membership $2215 Five (5) Days a Week
FIFO Membership * $2332 Seven (7) Days a Week
Country Membership * $1865 Seven (7) Days a Week
Lifestyle Membership * $1515 Seven (7) Days a Week
Pay As You Play * $349 + green fee

$40 Mid Week

$50 Weekend / PH

Seven (7) Days a Week
Junior Under 18 $349 Seven (7) Days a Week
Junior Under 13 $233 Seven (7) Days a Week
Social Membership $10 Non Playing



Important Information

  • Membership is taken for the period of 1 July to the following 30th June (Financial Year).
  • Each adult membership is subject to a $265 bar levy each year.
  • All new applications for Membership are only nominations until approved by the General Committee. 
  • Fees are payable each financial year. A member may cancel their membership with 3 months notice, and all requests for cancellation must be in writing.
  • A member must remain financial during any nomination period.
  • Payment can be made by direct debit monthly by credit card or bank account which attracts a monthly service charge of $5.00 for membership fees only.
  • $400 joining fee is payable in full on applicable categories.